Graphic Design
Marine Life's Biggest Predator | Ocean Cleanup Project
Ad Campaign for the Ocean Cleanup Project based on Plastic Pollution harming Marine Life in all Oceans. "Even Orca Whales fear Plastic," This quote states that Plastic Debris is considered the top Predator; even Orca Whales and Sharks Flee from Plastic.
Bold, Confident, and Stylish | Tattly Temporary Tattoos
A Billboard Ad Campaign for Tattly Temporary Tattoos, they're known for their custom-made fake tattoos with organic ingredients, waterproof that last 2-4 Days, and Designed by Official Tattoo Artists.
Chewy Billboard - Online Shopping Equals 30% off Deals
This was a Billboard AD to promote's Online Services through their website, which equals the amount of 24/7 customer services, 30 percent off deals for your pet's food, pharmacy treatments, toys, crates, Vet services, and more.
Easy Ease, Motion Blur, and Kinetic Typography After Effects Test
I worked on this Motion Design Principles Assignment based on Easy Ease, CC Force Motion Blur Effects & Presets, and a Mini Kinetic Typography.
Mr Clean Magic Eraser - Crayon Stains don't Scare Me
This was my earliest Advertisement Works based on Mr Clean's Magic Eraser that can magically erase Crayon Stains or any other Tough Job Cleaning Stains like Grimes and Dirt.
Garden of Wonders Bulletin Board Mockup
For my clients from PS 133: William A Butler Elementary School. I worked with my group to construct five posters, one permanent, to discuss the Garden of Wonder's Mission and Goal of saving the Northeastern Native Plants' Ecosystem and Four Seasonals. My group discussed that the Clients were satisfied with the Seasonal Design Layout, which is the Summer Poster on the Right side of the Bulletin Board, due to the effective color palette and Hierarchy